Excerpts: Speculator’s Eden (2021)

The Speculator’s Eden, 2019, Shadow puppets, printed transparencies, colored gels, performance scores, Dimensions variable.

Exhibited in: Imagining De-gentrified Futures, curated by Betty Yu, apexarty, NYC, Fall 2020

Working class communities, immigrant communities, and communities of color across U.S. cities have been disproportionately impacted by hyper-gentrification and displacement over the last fifteen years. 


Is it possible to disrupt dominant narratives that depict gentrification as “inevitable” and a “natural” part of urban evolution—monolithic assertions that often come from real estate speculators, developers, extractive industries and the 1%? Can we harness our collective resources and trace a new trajectory that allows communities to flourish without being priced out of our neighborhoods? 


Imagining De-gentrified Futures is an interactive exhibition attempting to imagine socially-just futures for our cities and aiming to rethink the assumed trajectory of urban development. Drawing inspiration from anti-gentrification resistance across the U.S., decolonization movements, and Afrofuturism, this exhibition gives permission to imagine, to dream, to unleash and explore ways in which socially-just futures can exist for city communities. Works on view take a variety of approaches to examine and suggest strategies for the challenges in cities like Hollywood, Philadelphia, New Orleans, New York City’s Chinatown and Brooklyn’s Sunset Park.